Sunday, September 9, 2012

Holy Grad School, Batman!

Grad school so far has been great. It's a lot of work, though. Of course I knew that when I signed up, but I can't emphasize how different it is to have to read an entire book between Tuesday and Thursday and understand the material well enough to have meaningful discussion about it. It seems that the reading load for three courses is between 300-600 pages of reading per week. 

I have talked to many who have done grad school and it seems that the consensus is "learn what you need to read." The reason behind this is that the reading load, in addition to assistantship duties and life, is just always too much. At the moment, I'm torn whether I like this advice, because it seems that one might miss a lot by not reading --everything--, but it also seems like quantity is the theme, while I think quality is a better method. 

As I continue, I'm sure I'll come up with a better understanding of what the best method is. Right now, I'm erring on the side of caution and reading everything, mostly to get a beat for how much is being assigned and what I'm getting value out of and what I'm not. It's just not leaving much time for much else! 

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