Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Wireless Temperature Sensors

There are some additional challenges of living in an RV in a cold climate than elsewhere. One thing I have to be very mindful of is the potential for freezing pipes. The compartments of concern are the sewer drain compartment, the water inlet and junction area (under the bed), and perhaps a few of the inaccessible drain areas, such as under the shower. Other important temperatures to keep in mind are inside the cabin and what the actual outdoor temperature is. 

I found a weather station that has three channels and three wireless temperature sending units. The cost was $40 and the unit itself tells the indoor temperature and relative humidity. The system is by ‘Ambient Weather’ and I picked it up on Amazon.com. 

I plan to place one sending unit in the sewer compartment, another under the bed near the outer wall, and the last on the back of the vehicle, so that I know the outdoor temperature. The point is to know what my freezing danger is in each of these areas and what the potential is based on the indoor and outdoor temperatures. 

This particular system has some oddities. For instance, the unit has to be reset by taking a battery out when a sender’s batteries die, then the whole system seems to have to be reinitiated. That means resetting the clock, time zone, etc, which isn’t difficult, but is a pain. However, for $40, it seems like a reasonable compromise and an irritant that should only occur once a year or so.

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